
Aid a Campaign!

Written by suncoast | Jun 9, 2010 2:14:55 AM

No Oil Drilling Campaign: Work with Thomas and Victoria on stopping the senseless quest for drilling and promoting clean energy solutions.

Rise Above Plastics Campaign: Work with Julie and Victoria on the campaign which was started in 2008. Several California Surfrider Chapters have successfully lead the way through online blogs, videos and tool kits to help other chapters along through the beginning, middle and end of the campaign. Using their guidelines and the creative thinking from our own talented pool of members, the chapter can take an active step towards eliminating the use of single use plastics on the Suncoast. Plan the campaign; educate the public on the effects of plastic, design positive events to promote the use of re-usable bags and recycling plastic bags. Speak to the public and to public officials on the issue, make re-usable bags with logo, coordinate with area environmental groups to team up on campaign strategies, and approach them about aligning with them on an event.

Upham Beach Campaign: Work with Jessica on helping rid the beach of the geo-tubes. Surfrider National’s stance is against all new forms of coastal armoring. Make your voice heard and help spread the word on the financially expensive experiment, which if built in rock, will be Pinellas County’s largest environmental mistake. Side note: the campaign will also lay the foundation to help preserve other breaks where similar actions are taking place.

If you have any questions or want to volunteer for any of these committees please contact