
Minutes Dec 10 2009

Written by suncoast | Feb 19, 2010 6:27:09 AM

Suncoast Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation
December Meeting Minutes


Call to Order: 7:10 pm by Chapter Chair Jessica

Thanks for coming.

Topics to discuss:

New Campaigns

Board is going over bylaws

Voting in all meeting minutes for 09

The chapter members present voted in by a show of hands 6 meetings for 2010.

Jessica asked that we please hold all sidebar conversations until the end of meeting in respect for the person speaking who has the floor.

Disney is sponsoring different not for profit organizations by awarding each event participant with a free day pass. Surfrider Foundation is one of the organizations chosen. It was suggested that we post up a link to Disney's website on our website and maybe that would help boost attendance.

Chapter members have access to film archives from National for fundraising events. Please email your chapter for more information.

Surfrider Foundation also has a credit card. Check out for more information.

There's an auction open until the end of December 2009 which can be viewed on

Be sure to visit and look for the Mermaid T-shirt, buy a shirt and the chapter gets a buck.

Reef Power might be coming to speak to the chapter in January.

Twin Piers, What is going on? Research is needed. The chapter was contacted to comment on the issue down there. What impact will it have on the environment if they tear down the three piers? There is an article in the Manatee paper. One view pointed to be considered a public hazard. The chapter needs people to do the research the facts to vote on weather the chapter should pursue this issue.

Ron: we would lose another Gulf Coast surf spot.

Jake: Seems hypocritical to take a stance as Surfrider based on our on going issue with Upham Beach. We don't have to take on all issues, he reminded the chapter.

Victoria: But it's dangerous and that there are structures in the water and typically Surfrider addresses these issues…

Scott: having the piers there makes it a different problem than Upham.

Jessica: We don’t have to make a decision on it tonight. We should make an informed decision by doing the research beginning with DEP, the city, and then make a decision.

Chapter Vote on issue: All in. Josh stepped up to help begin the process.

Jason reported on financials. The chapter has done pretty well since October 1st. North County kicks off and Bullibrigade helped out a lot. 5 surfboards left to raffle/auction etc.

Bullibrigde; kudos for John and Julie Pappas for organizing this event.

The chapter voted in restricting some assets:

$750.00 for website per year. We do have an offer for a new website for free, but this is just in case that avenue does not come to fruition then we can go with the secondary proposal.

$3600 for Upham

$500 for Dunes

$250 business cards

$730 BWTF (Already earmarked by Chapter’s first movie fundraiser)

$100 for PO Box

It was also voted that 2 people (non-family) would count the money earned at fundraisers and events, and that the $ amount should be deposited the next business day.

Jake: Website update. Surfrider Atlanta is building a new (free) website for the chapter; the chapter will be able to link to for event pictures.

Rise Above Plastics Campaign Plastic pictures uploaded to facebook make a photo essay documenting plastics. 2 other foundations are interested in the RAP program.

The chapter will be donating items of clothing to CASA which were collected for freebee’s 3 years ago and are now outdated.

Email communications to the chapter will come on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

BWTF. No updates.

Scott suggested we get with creative clay to make a surfboard with them as a raffle item.

Scott also got swag and etc. to give away at the party in January. Thanks Scott

Brandy: Planning a late spring early summer dune planting at Mad Beach. We still have a piling to move and more dunes to refurbish at Archibald Park. Committee will work on setting down dates and coordinating to get kids involved.

Down South: We want to try to coordinate a clean up in Sarasota with the Compound.

Amanda has been working on the longboat key groin issue. Officials down there have asked for a meeting on our opinion of the groins project in the area of Longboat Key. Jessica asked Amanda to lead this project.

Oil Drilling:

In research Don has found that spill pollution comes from the piping mostly. And even state of the art rigs, for example the Australian rig, still can cause spills. All major cities in Florida are on board with no oil drilling.

Hands across the Sands on February 13th is a state wide protest against off shore oil drilling in Florida. The chapter is working with other organizations in the area. And the committee is working on a flyover by airplane or helicopter.

Jason: looked at some websites out there that are against drilling. Big business makes problems seem small. They also make it seem like Florida will benefit, but realistically most of the oil will be sold overseas. The people who come into drill aren’t getting new jobs they already had the job and come in as crew. Chances are the prices of oil will go up anyway. We aren’t going to drill our way out of the energy crisis. Visit for more details.

Thank you Don for taking on oil drilling issue.

Adopt a shore program. 3 dates a year. Julie is heading this up to keep this special beach. The three dates will go on the calendar of events.

It was suggested the chapter joins with other orgs in the area to get things done like cleanups and such.

The 3rd annual Suncoast fashion show happens on January 9th 2010. 3 bands play. Buffalo Strange, Localism and Tribal Style. The chapter is to get them a letter stating they donated their time if they wish to have one. The event will be at the Daiquiri Deck on Madeira beach. Doors open at 7pm. Bands at 9pm. It was discussed making the entry price 10.00 each and that would be for entry and a raffle ticket. Then guests could buy extra tickets inside.

The chapter voted $5.00 gate, $10 per ticket with a 30 ticket min.

4 models from each shop at least. The rules state there has to be at least one male and one female on each team. Andre volunteered to MC. The chapter has access to free printing.

SurfExpo 2010 is January 14th -16th 2010 in Orlando. National is unable to pay for rooms this year so the bill would be on the chapter if we wanted to put someone up. If any member wants to go, they could go for the day or for the weekend as long as they volunteer to work the Surfrider Booth for a few hours. Volunteers for the event: Brandy Andre & Josh.

Fertilizer Ordinance is ongoing and doing well in favor of no fertilizer use in the summer months.


Beach Stewardship meeting, Kevin Hing recede himself from the vote. Marcus Lehtovirta abstained from voting. The committee stated they were assigned to vote on which permanent structure configuration they like best as far as creating a wide safe beach that dampers erosion. The remaining committee members voted for alternative configuration number 2 as seen in the CP&E presentation in the spring of 2009.

The chapter voted that we could spend $.15 per copy for 2 reports that the Upham Committee wants access to.

$40.00 reimbursed to Jessica for gas expenses while going to Tallahassee on behalf of the chapter.

Anything else?

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm