
November 12th Plastic Clean-Up! St Pete Beach...

Written by suncoast | Oct 29, 2011 12:45:03 PM

Have you been looking for a way to make a true dent in the amount of plastic that has been showing up on our beautiful beaches?  Here is your chance! We are collecting data from the November 12th clean-up (details on upcoming events).  Our goal is to compare the amount and types of plastics we find on beaches with resorts, restaurants, and snack shacks, compared to beaches that do not have as many of the aforementioned.  Once the data is collected we plan on bringing the data gathered to those that share liability to help us come up with a solution.  There are many ways beach-side businesses can help us reduce the trash tremendously and at the very least, use products that if littered will break down "relatively" quickly.

Make a difference!  Come on out and support our campaign.  You can make a difference by helping us clean the beach at a time when you can find something made of plastic every 3 steps (at least that's what I found at the clean-up on October23rd on Treasure Island).

Mother Nature thanks you...