
Surfrider Wins Major Victory as Legislature Passes Clean Ocean Act

Written by suncoast | May 1, 2008 4:19:37 AM

Press Release
April 30, 2008
For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Ericka D’Avanzo
Telephone: 772-225-3780

Surfrider Wins Major Victory as Legislature Passes Clean Ocean Act

Tallahassee, FL (April 30, 2008)- After a three-year campaign, the Clean Oceans Act (HB897
and SB1094), passed with tremendous support. In so doing, the Surfrider Foundation’s Florida
chapters have achieved a major milestone in their mission to preserving the diversity and
ecological integrity of Florida’s coastal environment and healthier waters.

The law requires owners and operators of day-cruise gambling vessels to implement sewage and
other wastewater pump-out systems at ports, or adopt closed-loop system technology just as the
cruise ships largely have begun doing. While restrictions in Federal Maritime Law state that
Florida cannot enact legislation banning sewage dumping from these vessels when they are
beyond 3 miles from the east coast and 9 miles from the west coast of the State, the bill does lay a
framework in which Florida can ensure coastal consistency and petition the Federal government
to extend sewage dumping restrictions into Federal waters.

Armed with definitive studies from the Pew Oceans Commission, Congressional Reporting
Service, U.S. General Accounting Office, U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and Florida Keys
Marine Sanctuary that vessel discharges are contributing factors to degradation of our oceans;
Senate Sponsor Mike Haridopolos (R-Indialantic)and House Sponsor Stan Mayfield (R-Vero
Beach) embraced their constituents wishes for action and the need for stronger coastal
stewardship. Senate and House committee meetings regarding the Clean Oceans Act showed that
gambling ships having the capacity to dump 44 million gallons of partially treated grey and black
water (sewage) off Florida’s coast every year.

“We are elated to have the Legislature’s support and would also like to thank our sponsors and
co-sponsors for their tireless efforts,” said Surfrider Foundation Suncoast Chapter Chair Mike

“Supporters have logged countless volunteer hours on this campaign over the last three years,”
said co-sponsor Representative Tony Sasso (D-Cocoa Beach), who had worked on this campaign
as a Surfrider member prior to his election. “This decision was an incredible affirmation for our
efforts, and a testament to the power of mobilizing grassroots activism.”

The Surfrider Foundation will continue to direct its efforts till end of session this week toward
similar coastal and ocean protection legislation regarding the closure of South Florida outfalls
(HB7139 and SB1302) and also inlet and beach management (HB1427 and SB1672).
Additional information about the Clean Oceans Act can be found at:

About the Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and
enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary
surfers in Malibu, California, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and
80 chapters worldwide. For more information on the Surfrider Foundation, go to
