Why did you join Surfrider?
I have always been so so interested in protecting the oceans, beaches, and all that surrounds us. Nature isnt always capable of taking care of herself and it's up to us (as Surfrider members) to step up!
What are your favorite Surfrider activities?
I always enjoy beach cleanups - so much progress is made in one day and it's amazing to see your hard work payoff. However, I would gladly give up cleaning the beach in exchange for people picking up after themselves! Oh - I also love when creativity takes over and we bring new/fantastic/fun ideas to the table!
What can you recommend to others on how to be more Ocean Friendly?
Clean up after yourself! Carry an extra reusable bag and pick up trash when you see it - when walking out to the beach for example. Oh, and if you havent already, sign our plastic wave and pledge to reduce your dependency on single-use plastics! Trade in your plastic bags and water bottles for reusable ones.
Why should others get involved in Surfrider?
I 100% recommend getting involved so that you can check out what Surfrider has to offer. There's something for everyone and new ideas are always welcome!