Surfrider’s Ocean Friendly Garden's Program is a volunteer-run landscape education, hands-on training and advocacy program, providing valuable information on how landscapes and hardscapes can be modified to prevent water pollution.
The goal of our Ocean Friendly Gardens program is to reduce runoff from our island cities and prevent it from contaminating the Gulf. Even if you live miles inland, the pollutants, trash, and runoff in your streets will eventually make its way into the ocean. Fortunately, you can take a water-wise, watershed approach and make changes to your landscape that help capture rainfall, reduce runoff and recharge our groundwater supply.
Urban runoff from lawns, gardens, streets and hardscape is the #1 source of ocean pollution.
One inch of rain falling on the roof of an average sized single family home can generate over 1,200 gallons of runoff. As this runoff travels through our urban landscape it picks up pollutants and bacteria that cause 20,000+ beach closures + advisories nationwide every year.
To mitigate the effects of stormwater runoff and replenish groundwater supply the Ocean Friendly Gardens program applies the principles of Conservation, Permeability, and Retention (CPR).
Check out Surfrider’s Cycle of Insanity to learn about how our actions at home affect the entire watershed. While the video was made years ago, it couldn't be more relevant today as we face the same issues we were taking on back in 2015.
We're collecting valuable and easy-to-use tools for volunteers and garden owners. Have something to add to this list? Shoot an email and we'll review.
Benefits of Healthy Soils and Ocean Friendly Gardens
Signs, Brochures, and Educational Resources
To order an Ocean Friendly Garden Sign, please email Mara Dias,
Intro to Ocean Friendly Gardens Slideshow
Clean Water Tips Handout - things you can do at home to protect water quality at the beach
Surfrider's short, animated film about a holistic approach to water called ”The Cycle of Insanity” (Disponible aquí en Español)
Local Resources